Monday, 24 March 2014

A leap so high it took me to NYC

Talk about taking a leap into unknown territory! This trip has been a learning experience like no other. 

Let me take you back a couple of weeks to October 26 - Moving Day. Nerve-wracking, exhausting, scary, dusty, fulfilling. That night, after everyone who had so kindly helped me keep my sanity during the move left (did I mention I had a bandaged arm with a 3rd degree burn?) I sat on the floor, put my laptop on a box containing my kitchen utensils and typed away. What exactly? My application for the City of Buenos Aires-Fulbright Commission Scholarship. A six-week course for EFL teachers in a prestigious university in NYC. Did I think I would get it? Of course not! But a friend barraged me with emails and messages asking me if I had applied. And so I did. Almost a month later, I'm on the bus home from work and I cannot believe my eyes when I read an email from the Fulbright Commission's Executive Director telling me I was one of the recipients of the grant. Two months later, I was on a plane with 19 other strangers, embarking on one of the most enriching experiences I've ever had, both personally and professionally. 

What have learnt from this experience? As I wrote on my application, traveling has always been for me the moments in which I grew the most, when I challenged myself to new experiences, to a whole different way of understanding the world. I have met incredibly talented and interesting people while traveling and, most importantly, I have also met myself. And it's just further proof that the more you challenge yourself and take that leap of faith, the bigger the rewards.

Here's an account of the trip posted on the Fulbright Argentina site. 

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